Choosing a roommate to share your Springs San Antonio luxury apartment home is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make, so you need a serious game plan. Here are some helpful guidelines for turning your roommate selection into a win-win situation.
- Do ask family and friends for referrals. Getting a recommendation from someone you already know is a great way to pre-screen candidates.
- Do conduct multiple interviews. People will almost always put their best foot forward. The more times you meet with someone, the more likely they are to let down their guard and reveal their true self.
- Do be honest and upfront. If issues like pets, the amount of rent or overnight guests are deal breakers, it’s best to find out right away so neither one of you wastes time.
- Do ask about the other person's expectations. Even though you are initiating the search, any relationship is a two-way street and the best chance of success is when both parties get something out of it.
- Do investigate. You can learn a lot about someone just by viewing their social media accounts. Background checks are relatively inexpensive, so go ahead and get one for your top candidate if it gives you peace of mind, but in any case personal references (from non-relatives) are a must.
- Do put everything in writing. Just as a lease covers what is expected from both parties, documenting a roommate agreement protects both of you by preventing misunderstandings.
- Don't confuse friendship with compatibility. What seems charming and quirky in small doses can become tear-your-hair-out annoying on a daily basis.
- Don't ignore your instincts. You might want to believe you're tolerant enough to put up with a party animal or a slob, but when you hear that alarm go off in your head, it's best to listen.
- Don't be afraid to say no. Sparing someone's feelings is no reason to accept a situation you know will be a mistake.
There’s an App for That
Yes, there are some clever apps that can put a list of potential roommates as close as your smart phone.
- Roomi has a team working 24/7 to verify potential roommates and flush out scams. You can post a free listing including desired age and gender, pricing and available date, and photos of your apartment.
- Roomster has been around since 2003 and carries listings from 192 countries. You can search for roommates based on personal interests and references, and the in-app message feature makes it convenient to chat with potential candidates.
- SpareRoom originated in the United Kingdom and has now branched out to the United States, and they claim that a connection is made every three minutes on their app. The search feature lets you filter on specific parameters such as smoking/non-smoking and occupation.
If you're sharing your Springs San Antonio apartment home with a roommate, how did the two of you connect? Tell us your story in the comments!