Explore Springs Apartments
Finding the right luxury apartment takes serious planning. In order to make your search more efficient, we've shared some helpful tips about prioritizing features and amenities as well as how to interpret a lease.
There's one more important piece of homework to complete before choosing your new home. Take these important measurements beforehand to prevent unpleasant surprises on moving day.
Doors are the primary means of entrance for people and furniture, so clearly those measurements are essential. Include height, width and diagonal measurements in case you need to tilt mattresses or other large pieces to get them through.
Don't forget to measure clearance on sliding or French doors leading to patios or balconies, as those can provide alternate entry points. If you have a balcony, measure distance to the ground so you can ensure means of lifting items when necessary.
If your apartment is anywhere above the first floor, you'll need to navigate at least one flight of stairs. Measure height and width of stairways from both the bottom and top step as well as height, width and length of any turns or landings.
Elevators save labor, but you're not home free. Measure all dimensions, including the door and interior of the car. Consider the balcony option if the elevator doesn't offer sufficient space.
You'll be off to a shaky start with your new landlord if your furniture leaves scratches and scuff marks on the hallway walls. Make sure there's enough clearance to safely pass through the common area halls.
All of our Springs luxury apartment homes are townhouse-style with private entries, eliminating the need to carry furniture and possessions down long hallways past other apartments.
Exactly how far is it from your front door to the spot where you park your car? This information comes in handy when you have to ferry groceries, packages and other items back and forth.
Both attached and detached garages are available at our Springs luxury communities. In addition to measuring the path to your front door, measure the interior dimensions, especially if you plan to use it for storage, work space or other functions.
All your furniture may fit into your bedroom, but can you still walk around easily? What about when dresser drawers or closet doors are open? The bedroom is your sanctuary, so don't get stuck with a cramped and uncomfortable space.
With computers, smartphones and big-screen TVs an integral part of most households, access to outlets is crucial. Evaluate your needs and be sure outlets are plentiful and conveniently located.
Get a head start on planning your furniture layout with our 3D floor plans, available online for all of our Springs luxury apartment communities.
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