Emergency Preparedness for Apartment Dwellers

Jean Jones
April 07, 2015


Enduring Mother Nature's temper tantrums is the price we pay for enjoying her majestic splendor. As some areas of the country enter the stormy season, while others are on alert for tornadoes and hurricanes, it's a good time to ask yourself how prepared your household is for the possible aftermath of extreme weather.

The best time to deal with an emergency is before it happens. Here is a checklist for building an emergency preparedness kit along with some practical safety tips to get through a tornado or hurricane.


After a natural disaster, it can take several days before services are restored. You should plan on a minimum of three days' worth of supplies while building your emergency kit. Here are essential items that should be included.

  • One gallon of water per person per day to be used for drinking and personal cleansing
  • A supply of non-perishable foods along with a manual can opener
  • Battery-powered radio and flashlight as well as extra batteries
  • First-aid kit, including any necessary prescription medications
  • Personal sanitation items and moist towelettes with garbage bags and twist ties for disposal
  • Basic tool kit with wrench, pliers, screw driver, hammer and duct tape
  • Heat-reflective mylar emergency blanket
  • A whistle to signal responders
  • Non-electric cell phone chargers such as solar-powered or inverters

Other items to consider are extra clothing and footwear and camping equipment. If you have a pet, don't forget to pack food and water for him as well.


  • Peak tornado season generally lasts from late winter through mid-summer. A tornado watch means that the conditions are right while a tornado warning indicates that one has already been spotted
  • If a tornado warning is issued, head to the lowest floor of your building or to an area away from any windows. Once there, kneel down and place your hands over the back of your head
  • Protect yourself from flying debris with padded coverings like blankets or mattresses


  • Late spring through late fall is prime time for hurricanes. A hurricane watch is a prediction of a storm within 36 hours and a hurricane warning is issued within 24 hours of arrival
  • If you receive an evacuation notice, don't take a chance on waiting it out. Your safety and that of your family is not worth the risk
  • If you are unable to leave home, stay in a closet, bathroom or other small, centrally-located room without windows. Listen to the radio for updates

At our Springs Apartments communities, resident safety is our main concern. Our team is happy to assist you with any questions you may have about emergency preparedness. You may also visit Ready.gov for additional preparedness tips and advice.

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