Explore Springs Apartments
When you find the right luxury apartment, it will feel like more than a home. It will feel like a community—a true retreat where you can relax and be yourself. As you search for the right apartment home in Des Moines, here's a list of amenities and features that will help you know you've found "the one."
1. Private Entryways
When you arrive home after a long day at work, you might not feel like running into neighbors in the hallway or walking down a long corridor to find your apartment. Private, ground-level entryways, like those offered at Springs at Waukee and Springs at Jordan Creek, give you a bit more privacy and make for a more homelike environment overall.
2. A Pet-Friendly Community
If you're a pet owner, you shouldn’t have to part with your furry friend in order to live in the apartment of your dreams. The right luxury apartment community won't just allow pets; they'll also offer amenities like dog parks and dog spas to make owning a pet simpler.
3. On-Site Management
If something goes wrong in your home, you don't want to have to make 12 phone calls or email four people before you find someone to address the issue. Springs Apartments communities all have an on-site management team, so there's always someone there to address any issues or concerns.
4. Updated Appliances
New appliances not only look nicer, but they also function better and tend to use less energy. The right luxury apartment will have an updated stove and refrigerator, as well as a dishwasher, washer and dryer to make your life easier.
5. An On-Site Clubhouse or Cafe
Meeting people when you move to a new area can be a challenge. However, an apartment community that offers a community cafe or clubhouse makes meeting people so much easier. You can hang out and interact with others who live nearby and share your interests, knowing that you never have to go far to feel like you're part of a community.
6. Workout Facilities
If you have to drive across town to go, how often do you really think you'll work out? Springs Apartments communities offer 24-hour fitness centers with state-of-the-art equipment, making it easier and more convenient to stay in great shape. We also offer resort-style pools, so you can take a break from the gym and enjoy a lap swimming workout if you prefer.
7. Garage Parking
Parking your car in an attached or detached garage will help protect it from the elements. Plus, you won't have to waste time searching for parking when all you really want to do is get home.
Springs at Waukee and Springs at Jordan Creek offer an array of comforting, welcoming amenities. Contact us today and talk with our helpful associates to learn more about our luxury apartment homes in Des Moines and Waukee.
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