5 Ways to Rock Your New Year's Resolutions in Austin

Jean Jones
December 26, 2017

Keep New Year's Resolutions in AustinIt’s prime time for New Year’s resolutions! What are your goals going into 2018? Though many resolutions fade away as the year wears on, there are a few key tips that will help you keep them. Try these five strategies for setting successful resolutions this year.

1. Choose One Big Goal and Several Small Ones

New Year’s resolutions often fail because they’re simply too overwhelming for individuals to successfully tackle. Don’t weigh yourself down with half a dozen huge goals. Stick with just one manageable objective for the new year. Next, divide this goal into smaller mini-achievements that you can hit along the way. If your main goal is to run a marathon, your mini-goals may include running a certain number of miles each week, or getting your timing down. Set a final goal date and note your other smaller accomplishments at regular intervals on the way.

2. Identify Your Resources

Before settling on a goal, it’s important to identify your resources. If your goal involves adding a yoga flow to your morning routine, you may want to stop by and get acquainted with the dedicated yoga area in our Springs at Round Rock or Springs at Lakeline apartment communities. If you have more extensive fitness goals, check out some local gyms in the Austin area and make sure the facilities that you need are within your budget.

3. Write a Mantra to Keep You Going

Come up with a powerful mantra that you can repeat each day to keep you moving toward your goal. Keep it short and simple, and construct your mantra in the present tense. Try something like:

  • I run more powerfully each day.
  • I remember to breathe in times of stress.
  • I flow through yoga each morning.

4. Reward Yourself Along the Way

Make a note on your calendar of how you’ll reward yourself for achieving your small goals along the way. Perhaps you’ll upgrade your FitBit halfway through your marathon training as a reward for staying on track, or purchase a new dress for your sister’s wedding when you successfully lose five pounds by April. Give yourself special rewards to look forward to for making progress along the way to your ultimate resolution.

5. Engage a Support System

Resolutions are easier to keep when you have support. This could mean inviting fellow residents to join you for your daily yoga, or sharing your weekly weight loss menus with followers in your blogging community. Reach out to others and let them know about your goals so you have support and encouragement to keep you moving forward through the new year.

What resolutions are you setting for 2018? Share your goals with other residents in the comments section below.

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